Utsukubigokumon Doukoukai 47 Prefecture Tour Final Announcement of Guests for the Second Half

The Utsukubi Gokumon Club is currently holding an event to commemorate the 20th anniversary of its founding.
Additional guest bands and artists have been announced for the second half of the 47 prefecture two-man tour "20!+39!=59! TOUR."

Among the dates for the second half of the tour, three acts, Takanori Nishikawa, Kyuso Nekokami, and ZAZEN BOYS, were announced to perform at the five shows that were to be announced at a later date.
The tour featured 52 performances and 34 guest bands and artists in total.
With a wide range of genres and careers, and many of the performers performing together for the first time, the lineup is a fitting splendid one for the 20th anniversary tour.

Tickets for most of the upcoming performances have already sold out.
Tickets are still on sale for some performances, including the five announced this time, so be sure to check the special website early.

It was also announced that tickets for the final performance would be available for purchase in the fall,
With many shows already sold out, the dates are expected to be brought forward to around summer.
Let's continue to keep an eye on the developments of the Uchi-kubi-gokumon club.