"Sakuragaoka Cafe (Shibuyagi)" was interviewed by Reuters.


Video distribution from well-known news media sites in each country such as New York Daily News and Global PostFaith

Sakuragaoka Cafe was published in the Asahi Shimbun.

A 5-minute walk from the Hachiko Exit of Shibuya Station in Tokyo, "Sakuragaoka Cafe" in the office district is a "goat cafe" with two signboard goats. Two "Shibuyagi" earning 1.5 million yen a month are depicted in a picture book and are attracting attention.

Quote source: Asahi Shimbun Digital: Ochame, 2 shibu goats Cafe near Shibuya station, Tokyo-Society.

Shibuya Keema Curry at Sakuragaoka Cafe scored 99 points in the "Please! Ranking"


Sakuragaoka cuff introduced in "Please! Ranking"Shibuya Keema Curry.
Highly rated by chef Kawagoe's random scoringI received 99 points of value!

It is also served at the affiliated Udagawa Cafe Annex,
I'd love toPlease try it once ☆ Perfect for hot summer

[Unusual Cafe] Goat Cafe in Shibuya "Sakuragaoka Cafe"

